Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hai, atus!

On break for a while. Other stuff must be done. Questionable Quotations will return one day, however!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Final Flantasy

"I'm not THAT emo. Good lord, fan boys and girls, stop hurting my portfolio."
Squall, Final Fantasy VIII, tired of being typecast

"It's nice being a hottie. It makes people forget that you burned down a village, killed dozens of people and threatened the world with virtual extinction. Bless these silver locks."
Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VII, glamorous

"remake meeee"
Final Fantasy VII, crying out for logic in a chaotic world

Chess Mess

"I'm all alone..."
The pawns, sentinels in a world gone mad

The knights, didn't read the rules of passing other pieces

"Piety means traveling in diagonals. Diagonals, my children!"
The bishops, holy sidlers

"We're big and we're mean... and we're usually stuck where we are. But when we aren't, watch out! Stupid pawn wall."
The rooks, usually sidelined for most of the match

"I am the ultimate power in the universe! BAHAHAAHA! Hey, bugger off, stop following me."
The queen, center of the action

"My life sucks. It's long moments of guarded tedium followed by sheer terror."
The king, bored out of his skull