Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Of actors and reptiles

“I will be the death of film, because when I die… well, what’s the point of going on?”
Morgan Freeman, actor extraordinaire

“People know me best as a rough-and-tumble super soldier type guy who can never be beat, but… truth is, I’m sensitive. I write a lot of poetry. I like watching the sunset while sipping a venti. My world is a pit of lyrical loneliness. You just don’t understand!”
Solid Snake, moments before bursting into bitter tears

“I just want to talk, but you assholes keep shooting me!”
Godzilla, misunderstood

“I have two great loves. The first is the theatre, and all things Shakespearean. The second? Nachos. Oh, how I adore nachos.”
Kenneth Branaugh, snuggling a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos

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